[ISSUE TALK] First separated family reunion in three years takes places amid North Korea diplomatic movements

2018-08-20 8

2년 10개월만 이산가족 상봉 - 김현욱 교수 대담

To talk about the reunions and other stories from this weekend, we have with us Professor Kim Hyun-wook from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Thank you for coming in today.

Pleasure to be here.

1 - We heard some heartbreaking stories about the situations regarding the families who have been separated for so many decades. I can only imagine what it's like for them. It's the first reunion in 3 years, and there have been many over the years, but how much credit do you think the Moon administration deserves for making this happen, and how much credit do you think should be given to North Korea as well?

2 - This is obviously a huge deal for the families involved, but looking at the bigger picture, one can argue that it does not have many consequences on a geopolitical level, as it's the easiest demand that North Korea can give in to, and has little effect on negotiations towards denuclearization or the lifting of sanctions, etc. Do you think that is a fair criticism?

3 - A piece of news that came in the weekend that WILL have big geopolitical implications for North Korea is the reports that said Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit North Korea in September for the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the regime's establishment. If it does happen it will be the first time in 13 years a Chinese leader has visited the regime. Does this come as a surprise?

4 - What do you make of the timing of this visit? There are many events happening around it, such as the inter-Korean summit, and Pompeo's visit as well. What message do you think this sends?

5 - How important is it for North Korea to have the backing of China in negotiations with the U.S.?

6 - Previously President Trump has said Beijing influenced Pyongyang and Kim Jong-un to be more difficult in negotiations with Washington, and that it was in retaliation to the trade tariffs that U.S. had imposed on China. Do you think Trump's suspicions have some ground?

7 - Do you think Xi Jinping's visit will have changed how Pompeo prepares for his visit to Pyongyang? How do you think they will respond?

8 - Xi Jinping's visit will also be closely watched by South Korea. The two Koreas agreed recently that their leaders will hold their third summit some time in September. How do you think the Xi Jinping visit will affect that summit, and does that mean it's probably not likely to happen until at least after the anniversary on September 9th?

9 - It was reported on North Korean state media that Kim Jong-un visited construction sites in Samjiyon County, continuing his tour of important economic sites over the last year. He is reported to have blasted sanctions on the regime, calling them, quote, "a serious setback to the advance of our socialism". North Korea seems to be continuing to complain about the sanctions. It does seem like a not very subtle message to Pompeo, no?

10 - Bolton confirmed that Pompeo will be goi

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